Bacopa: The Aryuvedic Herb that Cures

Bacopa, also known as (Bacopa monnieri) is an herb often used in Ayurveda. It is taken for the purpose of improving cognitive function, stress relief, and a general enhancement of vitality. Bacopa monnieri interacts with the dopamine and serotonin systems, but its main mechanism concerns promoting neuron communication. It does this by increasing the growth of dendrites on the neuronal structure. This herb is commonly found in the water and can be difficult to include in the diet without direct supplementation. Let me tell why you could be interested in taking it and how it gets the job done. 

Much Of the ways Bacopa works on affecting different mechanisms in our body is by increasing the blood flow to the brain and decreasing the effect of inflammation on the body. Bacopa has been shown to increase the release of nitric oxide in the blood which dilates the blood vessels and makes it easier to transport vital nutrients and oxygen to different tissues in the body including the brain. Which is why along with the cognitive effects bacopa has it also decreases blood pressure and overall congestive resistance in the body. The more efficient flow of oxygen to the brain also brings the necessary nutrients and support it needs to function optimally. A 12-week study in 46 healthy adults observed that taking 300 mg of Bacopa monnieri daily significantly improved the speed of processing visual information, learning rate, and memory, compared with the placebo treatment. Another study on elderly adults showed similar results as well as positively affecting memory recall and cognition. One rodent study showed that Bacopa monnieri had anti-anxiety effects comparable to those of lorazepam (benzodiazepine), a prescription medication used to treat anxiety. Research suggests that Bacopa monnieri helps reduce stress and anxiety by elevating your mood and reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone that is closely linked to stress levels. All these findings one can conclude that not only is bacopa effective for increasing brain cognition but also markers of stress and focus which are imperative to treatment of ADHD symptoms. 

Along with the general cognitive benefits bacopa has shown with supplementation it is also responsible for lowering total overall inflammation levels in the body. Chronic low-level inflammation has been linked to many conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and heart and kidney disease. In test-tube studies, Bacopa monnieri appeared to suppress the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are molecules that stimulate an inflammatory immune response. Even more suggestive evidence shows Bacopa monnieri had anti-inflammatory effects comparable to those of diclofenac and indomethacin. — two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs commonly used to treat inflammation. Any natural way to treat diseases that are comparable in effectiveness to pharmaceuticals are always of high-value. Bacopa is a safe and reliable alternative to treat inflammatory diseases. 

Inflammation and poor cognition can affect how one feels and performers in every which way. Bacopa is a powerful medicine for those seeking relief from these adverse conditions. Bacopa is not commonly found in everyday foods and must be consumed via a supplement in most cases. The supplement Mindful Mushroom from the Pronoia Peaks company contains up to 150 mg of bacopa per serving. Try Mindful Mushroom today if you are seeking to implement this medicinal herb into your diet today!


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