L-Theanine: The amino-acid changing focus at an alpha level

L-Theanine is a non-essential amino acid that is found in a few different plants and mushroom sources as well as naturally produced and used in the body. L-theanine is an interesting compound found most commonly in and consumed through green Tea. Widely touted for its antioxidant properties, this amino acid extract from green tea has also been shown to cause promising effects in calming and increase in focus for the consumer. Modern studies have looked at this phenomenon extensively and can securely declare its significant positive effects consumption of l-theanine can have on the mind and body. 

L-theanine has shown some incredible results in studies on its effect to place a subject in alpha-state mode of brain-frequency at higher doses. Our brain emits wave frequency and energy that vibrates at different levels between gamma and alpha. Gamma is associated with more of a restful sleepy state of calmness, while alpha waves have been shown to create similar calming results with elevated levels of focus and non-drowsiness. Making it an ideal state to tap into when one desires to focus on a task or concentrate on assignment without feeling overwhelmed or too sleepy. Dr. Joe Dispenza is a researcher and practitioner with experience in post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence. He has measured many people’s brain waves who are in deep states of meditation. His research has concluded that super-meditators able to tap into a zen like state during practice have been shown to emit alpha-like brain wave frequencies during practice. Any tool that can safely and effectively tap into this state of focus and flow-state is one of incredible interest and value. This is most likely L-theanine greatest contribution to its calming and focusing effect it has in different compounds of consumption. 

Studies have mostly used a dosage of 50 mg or higher during single use consumption. A cup of Green tea typically only contains around 20 mg of l-theanine so it is important to supplement with l-theanine in the diet otherways. Two studies have used l-theanine to determine its effects on alpha-frequency during passive and resting states.. These studies’ data indicates that L-theanine, at realistic dietary levels, has a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness or arousal. Furthermore, alpha activity is known to play an important role in critical aspects of attention, and further research is therefore focussed on understanding the effect of L-theanine on attentional processes.

L-theanine is an amino acid, which are the building blocks of protein and make up the majority of our musco-skeletal system. Having sufficient amounts of it circulating in the body is not only effective for our bodily structure but also for our mental health. Amino acids like l-theanine found in compounds like green tea are normally too low in dosage to elicit the desired effect the consumer wishes to experience. So supplementation with other products containing it are of extreme importance. Mindful Mushroom supplement from the Pronoia Peaks company, contains 50 mg per serving and a perfect way of including this important amino acid into your diet. Try Mindful Mushroom today!


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