Kava Kava: The Ceremonial Root Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Dopamine

Kava is an evergreen shrub traditionally found primarily in the south Pacific Islands. The root of the shrub is ground up into a tea or consumed by chewing to receive the many positive health benefits from the plant. Its uses have been documented back for centuries amongst these cultures during ceremonial rituals and social gatherings. The drink is often compared to the wine of other cultures and used as an offering given to guests and esteemed colleagues visiting the region. The drink is touted for its relaxing qualities and has been reported to induce an elevated mood, well-being and contentment. As more and more people have tried Kava Kava its popularity has brown and so has research into its anecdotal affects. The results have been positive and showed an increase in dopamine levels in the brain and a reduction in anxiety, insomnia and related nervous disorders. 

As the growing prevalence of anxiety and mood related disorders in our global population have been on the rise, so have solutions to combat this negative experience. Pharmaceuticals have often been in the business of producing drugs to combat this disorder but often come with many unwanted side effects. Leading researchers and citizens alike to discover natural alternatives to safely combat and reduce anxiety related and insomnia disorders. Oftentimes the experience of anxiety can be related to natural occurrences of anticipated events throughout one’s life, which is natural and to be expected. Other times it can be the result of an imbalance of essential catecholamine circulation in our brain. One such catecholamine which has a huge effect on our mood and motivation is Dopamine.

Dopamine plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation. High or low levels of dopamine are associated with several mental health and neurological diseases. When dopamine levels are elevated we often feel a sense of well-being, euphoria and motivation. When they are low we can often feel unmotivated, sluggish and depressed. In one pilot study, Kava reduced drug cravings in drug-dependent patients. Kava's anti-depressant effects are caused by dopamine-producing neurons in the brain's reward system (nucleus accumbens). The kava pyrone desmethoxanthine can increase dopamine and thus contribute to the good feeling associated with this herbal remedy. Considering these findings it is easy to see why safe consumption of kava has been reported with a result of mood elevation, contentment and motivation.

Kava Kava root is an exciting natural herbal remedy used for centuries to combat many adverse mental conditions like anxiety and insomnia, while increasing a sense of well-being, mood elevation and motivation. Its effectiveness has been widely reported and its relative safety is promising. Dosage for kava is typically around 70-250mg, it is recommended to start on the lower side and work your way up to find effective tolerance. Kava Kava root is found in Pronoia Pekas Mindful Mushroom Supplement and is one such product that can bring a positive effect into your life. Try Mindful Mushroom from Pronoia peaks today to help begin your path to achieving and maintaining mental wellness!


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