Probiotics: What are they and How Can They Help

Over the last century in modern science we have made many significant advances and discoveries. One such accomplishment was the discovery of what we call probiotics which are different species of bacteria that make up the gut flora, found mostly in our large intestine and other parts of the digestive system. These live organisms totaling up to the trillions in count throughout our body aid in many different bodily functions including digestion, bowel movements, reabsorption and mood regulation. The diversity of the micro-bacteria found within one’s gut flora equates typically to a stronger immune system and healthier activity of bodily functions. One way in which a person can increase the diversity within their microbiome is from the consumption of foods or supplements that include probiotics. Food truly is medicine and what you consume can truly affect how you feel and how your body operates optimally. 

Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the good bacteria in the body. Probiotics are found typically in food sources like yogurts and other bacteria-fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kombucha and kimchi. Probiotics repopulate the good bacteria within our gut and have been found to cause many beneficial health effects in proper dosage. Such diseases include G.I. distress, I.B.S., allergies, dental disorders, types of cancers and other disorders. Much research lately has been directed towards the gut-brain connection and how certain cultures of bacteria within our gut affect cognition, memory and mood regulation. That gut feeling that you felt and went ahead and did the other thing anyway…well it’s real you should've listened to it. 

Recent studies by the National Institute of Health have demonstrated that the administration of probiotics has a positive effect on mood states in healthy populations. The research has also touted it as an possible adjunct to treatment of depression in clinical populations and also preventing the onset of depressive symptoms. The study assessed the administration of 6 different strains of probiotics to individuals and reported a significant reduction of depressive mood states, anger, fatigue as well as increasing quality sleep experience. Overall one may conclude that probiotics administration improves psychological well-being by ameliorating aspects of mood and sleep quality. These findings are significant and should be seriously considered along with its many other positive health benefits 

Probiotics are good bacteria and microorganisms living within our gut and body that affect a multitude of optimal health functions. Those include digestion, mood regulation, sleep quality, allergies, G.I. distress, certain cancers and more! Its safety has been widely regarded and is an option many should consider adding into their diet whether you are currently in quality health standing or looking to be. One such supplement that provides a diverse set of probiotics strains in their product is Mindful Mushroom produced by Pronoia Peaks. Take control back over your health and purchase a bottle of Mindful Mushroom today!          


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