Elderberry: The medicinal plant of high function

Elderberry is a grown like many other of the common berries one encounters in daily life. But what is uncommon about elderberry is the many proven positive benefits which it provides as well as its history of use. Many other touted alternative medicine options can often be demonized as folklore or unsubstantiated in scientific testing. Elderberry is different, not only has it been used for centuries for a plethora of medicinal purposes, its effect has also been confirmed in many modern studies for efficacy of treatment and preventative care. Elderberry is grown in many different places around the world and in opposing climates. With easy access and tremendous benefit it's no wonder Elderberry has been included as a must have supplement to benefit one’s health. 

Elderberry’s many benefits include increasing immune function, reducing inflammation and supporting gut and heart health. One way in which elderberry increases immune function is due to its rich antioxidant content. Elderberry contains in high amounts two crucial compounds which prevent oxidative stress of cells and materials in the body which are called flavonoids and phenolic acid. Oxidative stress is a crucial factor in determining the onset and development of many adverse conditions such as inflammation, cancer, autoimmune disease, arteriosclerosis, aging and plays a major role in heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and other cancers overall. Foods containing flavonoids and phenolic are therefore of the utmost importance to consume in preventing any of the mentioned disorders from occurring.

 Elderberry contains high levels of both of these compounds and many other antioxidative substances which make these plants a superpower. The ability to offset the detrimental effects of consuming and interacting in an environment filled with oxidative toxins. The consumption of these antioxidative compounds will improve your ability to overcome environmental and nutrition related stresses in life. Prevent the development of inflammation and many other chronic diseases with the dietary consumption of elderberry. 

Elderberry has also been proven to aid immune function and reduce the symptoms that viruses cause. Through many studies it has been shown that if one contracts the influenza virus that the consumption of elderberry aids in recovery. It has been shown to not only reduce the severity of symptoms but also shown a reduction in the duration of time one is afflicted by the virus.We all know how debilitating a battle with the flu can be. Taking elderberry daily, during time of infection is crucial in fighting off the sickness and also being shown useful in prevention as well. 

Lastly, elderberry’s positive effect on heart health and gut health can not be understated. Heart disease has developed into becoming one of the top factors in all cause mortality of our modern population. Tremendous amount of time, money and energy has been spent in the research of developing a treatment for heart disease. Elderberry is a natural source of benefit when it comes to that. It has been shown to have a positive marker of heart and blood vessel health. Studies have shown elderberry juice may reduce the level of fat in the blood and decrease cholesterol. In addition, a diet high in flavonoids like anthocyanins has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease. This alone makes elderberry an attractive supplement to take when wanting to achieve improved heart health. Elderberry has been shown to improve symptoms of gut distress. Antioxidant compounds which help prevent inflammation have also been shown effective in relieving IBS symptoms and poor digestion overall. With so many positives it's difficult to not get excited over elderberry’s potential. 

We are all looking for that one thing that is going to give us an edge over our health and keeps from contracting illness or diseases. Elderberry is one such supplement which aids in many different health functions and prevention of many health-related diseases. Dosage typically begins at around 250mg and then works its way up accordingly for specific use. Elderberry is included in the Mindful Mushroom product produced by Pronoia Peaks. It is an excellent way to include elderberry in your diet, so include Mindful Mushroom on your shopping list today!


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